Tuesday, December 30, 2008

A different Christmas <3

This Christmas is a very different Christmas of course. No running around with the family, going to see a movie at the theater on Christmas Eve. Laughing the whole ride home and being excited for all those snack and sparking wine. Playing Mexican Train till late at night and the next morning waking up to the smell Cinnamon rolls and jumping on the boys. =) nope. this Christmas was very much the opposite. It was still joyful however!
Eva her sister Reka and I arrived in their home town "Bonyhad" on Christmas Eve. We decorated the Christmas tree with those Hungarian favorite chocolate candies with the jelly in the middle... ya not my favorite but their OK! =P . Eva is allot of fun! She just turned 18 and is a senior in high school! She is a beautiful girl with a heart for the Lord! She decided that she wants to attend bible school next year even! Her dad even said he would pay for her first year! which is amazing since her dad is not a Christa in and it's very rare for parents to do that here. Praise the Lord! Well I wouldn't say that her family is Christain, her brother Mate is very strong in his faith and had brought up Eva since she was 12. They aren't sure if their brother Tomi, sister Reka, and Dad are saved, or even their grandma. So we wanted to make sure we were a good influence on them while we were there!
We had a HUGE lunch/Dinner with of course soup to start us off! with u now like the whole duck or pork in there with the bones. =) haha
Than! Eva, John, Mate and I prepared a skit for her family!! about baby Jesus in the bible! We dressed up! they loved it! we sang a couple of songs and than opened presents! It was all together a very good night!
They celebrate Christmas here as a three say holiday! So on Christmas day, they went out to see cousins and relatives! we played games and talked. It was actually very hard for me allot of the times, because i am not well in the Language and can mostly understand whats going on, but very hard to get in a conversation. So allot of the times i felt a little lonely when John wasn't there. But I did learn ALLOT of Hungarian!! =P
One night i spent almost two hours talking with her brother Tomi about why I was in Hungarian and about the Bible school! He said that He needed a change in his life, and he's thinking about going to bible school too!! It was cool talking with him and I pray that the Lord is working in his life! I also had a chance to talk with her cousin Patrica!! She told me that she believed in God and prayed to Him allot, but had allot of sin in her life. I asked her what the most important thing was in the bible... She didn't know so I explained to her the perfect gift of Christ. How He died on the Cross to forgive our sins and rising from the grave, and by believing in that He is the only way to heaven, we can be saved. We don't have to go to a Priest to have our sins forgiven, God wants a personal relationship with us. So we can just come to Him with our problems! I shared with her my testimony and How coming to bible school has really changed my life. Her mom walked in at one point of our conversation and she told her mom " Mom, please! I am learning about God! go away!" wow just about broke my heart! This girl really wanted to know the Lord more, and by the way her family life was. It looked like she didn't get it much! She said she wants to hang out with us in Budapest sometime! I told her i would get her a quiet time diary book! I felt like the Lord was using me there, maybe in ways I don't even know!

Each day we are fighting a battle. We are in a warfare of sin. How are we preparing ourselves in this life? Are we starving ourselves each day from our food and water? We will be weak and fall on the Battle field. Each day that we forget to feed ourselves, we are putting ourselves in dangerous situations and soon lose site and our strength! We need to be continually in the Word each day!
1 John 2:28 - "Continue in him, so that when he appears we may be confident and unashamed before him at his coming."
How are we living our lives? what are we feeding ourselves?
Galatians 6:8 - For the one who sows to his own flesh will from the flesh reap corruption, but the one who sows to the spirit will from the spirit reap eternal life."
What is growing? Your flesh or your desires for the Lord? We all know what satisfies us completely! That is only Christ!
I am Learning to be joyful with whats in front of me. What ever circumstances i am in. Even though Christmas wasn't the "same" this year. I have to look at it from a different angel and say "Wow what an amazing experience I had!"

Keep me in your prayers!! and If you would like to give me something for Christmas! Please send me tuition money for School!!! Thank you so much for all your prayers and your love this Christmas!!
God Bless!!
amanda joy

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Budapest!! <3

This week was beautiful! and very very busy!
There was a strike here is Budapest on the trains and some busses! even the airport!! It was a hard time to travel or get around. They were having a strick becuase its Christmas time and the workers wanted more money. The money in Hungary right now is so bad. It is worse that America. I came into Budapest Thursday from the school on Bus and it took me over 2 hours because everything was so packed with people. I stayed the night at Evi's house and than went to her High school with her Friday. I was told that I would only have twenty minutes in their Faith Class to talk about my school. Well Praise the Lord. I ended up taking the whole hour! The teacher never stopped me! I was able to share my testimony with all the students and my life now at Bible school!! They had questions for me and it went so well!! Allot of them would like to come and visit the school this year!! =D Praise the Lord!!
It's been allot of fun getting to know Evi's friends at school! I feel like I am a huge influence on them or I hope! =)

The Coffee house Friday night was packed! It was a special Christmas event where several of my friends were playing and singing Christmas carols! I ended having to help Mate and Evi work because there just wasn't enough people working! But i really love it and enjoy helping out!! It was so great to see how many people were bringing their unsaved friends! there were some deep conversations going on that night! it was exciting!

Saturday morning I went to an orphanage with ICSB "International Christian school" with the High school students, and youth group from Danube International church. They had prepared Christmas presents for each of the kids there! It was so cool to see the look on their faces!! They were all so happy to see us there! We sang several Christmas songs to them and presented the REAL most important gift of the gospel to them. Afterwards we had a couple hours to just talk and hang out with the kids. I had a chance to talk with four 15 to 18 year old. It was tough because they didn't know any English. So our conversations were short and not too deep. They were fun kids though. There are so many kids here in Budapest without parents or a family. Makes me realize how thankful I am for my Christian family i grew up in.

Saturday night was Evi's high school Christmas Party! Wow let me tell you this was way different than ones in the states would be. It was actually very sad. Evi and I went but only stayed for a little bit. Most of the kids 15-18 were drinking and doing drugs. we just came to hang out with her girlfriends which were very happy to see us! I was very heart broken to see what I saw. Made me see how so many people are caught up into what the World has to offer. IT is such a sad life to live. They are throwing their lives away... for what? nothing. it is not satisfying to them. They walk around with no hope. I just pray that Evi and I can be a light to them.

Philippians 2:13-16 had encouraged me allot
- For it is God who works in you to will and to act according to his good purpose. Do everything without complaining and arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure, Children of God without fault in a crooked and depraved generation, in which you shine like stars in the universe as you hold out the word of life - in order that I may boast on the day of Christ that i did not run or labor for nothing.

Isaiah 60:1-3
"Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon you. See, darkness covers the earth and thick darkness is over the peoples, but the Lord rises upon you and his glory appears over you. Nations will come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your dawn."

Sunday!! <3
Sunday School went amazing! We shared with the kids the story behind the candy cane! It's about how it relates to Christ dying on the cross for our sins! It's a very cool story, but i'll let you look it up! The bible story went well, we had hardly any kids this week however because most of the families went home to see families for Christmas. Afterwards John and I were invited over to one of my Sunday school kids house for Lunch! They were having a pancake party! and had invited several other families from the church! It was sooo cool! They were real American pancakes and they had allot of American food there! It was soo Delicious! We spent most of the day their and very much enjoyed the conversations and kids!! They gave us a little present before we left!! get this... Rootbeer!! and Mountain Dew!! and Doctor Pepper!! woowhoo cool stuff.. and way.. moving on..

I will be going to Bonhayd for Christmas with Evi and her family on Tuesday. Today... and we will be spending a week there!! It is a very small but cute village! I'm not too sure what will happen! but i will let you know!
Please keep praying for me and my time here!!

If you would like to do anything for me for Christmas all I ask is for your support for me to stay here at bible school. =) I am still low on cash to pay for my school tuition. If you feel it on your heart to give please send a letter to my parents or you can send it to my tuition fund!

köszönöm Isten Aldás

Amanda Joy Gilbert

Monday, December 15, 2008

What I'v been up to!!

Well so much to say!!
I just finished classes on Thursday! I had my final exam over Genesis Friday morning. It went very well by the way. Then... all the girls in my room and I had to clean. It took us about 4 hours but it had to be done. Leighann and I went to the Rézkigyó cafe house. I think she really liked it. It is such a great atmosphere where allot of the Christians that go there bring their unsaved friends. Allot of my friends there that I know. Are With ESI it think.. It's a christian organization for anyone to go places around the world to teach English to students. and it is your mission to lead students to Christ! it's really cool. so they always bring their students. Afterwards, several of us hung out. We were all bubbly and bouncy and a girl came up to me and asked me why i was so happy. I told her that I don't drink for one,and that I had Christ in my life. She was so interested to meet a young person like me that was different! I got her number and hopefully will be meeting her this coming Friday at the coffee shop!! Saturday.. I spontaneously was asked to go to Vienna with a group of people! haha. that was a trip! so much fun being with an awesome group of ChRiStIaNs! <3 Sunday.. had Sunday school with the children they were so adorable! next week we will have a Christmas party and talk about the BEST gift!! After church went to a coffee house with several friends and met a girl studying abroad from America! SHe will be meeting us at the coffee house on Friday also!!
Monday I went to Evi's high school once more and visited with many of her friends! I asked her "faith teacher" if i could take time in his class to talk about my school, and show our promo video and share my testimony with them! so he is giving me 20 minutes this Friday!! =) I am so excited! I Pray that I can be a huge influence on these students! pray that God will give me the words to speak! Also... Evi and I are planning a Pj party for several of her girl friends on Jan 3rd! lots of girls have heard of it.. haha so now there are like 15 that want to come.. and I'm not sure if Evi's flat will work. so pray that God will provide a place for us to hang out and the girls hearts will be opened to hear and understand what I will share with them!!
Saturday i will be going to an orphanage with the Danube Church youth group! =)
woowhoO! Than ChRiStMaS with Evi's family!! <3 can't wait!
Today was such an amazing day!! I had time to relax!! something i haven't done in a long time! praise the Lord! I went for a run today.. it is so nice out here still. no snow yet!! =) i love it. I'm just thanking the Lord for all that He is doing in my life right now! And Soo thankful for the relationships He's brought!!
MiSsIn AlL oF yOu At HoMe tHo!!! Sending LOVe <3
Amanda joy

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Excitment for the BREAK~!! =)

Hey everyone!!
Christmas is coming up so fast! I can't believe that it's already December! Actually it doesn't even feel like Decemeber here. We had a small cold front come through which gave us enough snow to make the boys put a HUGE snowman infront of our room which eventually crashed and fell into our entryway all over our things... but besides that. Yesterday i was wearing shortsleves! it was so nice! Also the castle is decorated for Christmas and our room looks great! =P
ALL those praying for my ministry at Danube international church THANK you soo much!
This week was simply amazing! The children listened so well and they were soo cute! They really understood the lesson and the bible story! We did the lesson over Lot and Abram, and how he let Lot chose first. We have a choice to Obey God or not. It should be so simple, yet it is so hard. The young 4 and 5 year old boys in the room decided to serve the ladies the snacks and be like little gentelmen. It was so cute even though it kinda turned into a little flood on its own. haha. NOah's ark was a couple weeks ago. I have such a joy working with kids!! also I will be ministering there over the break since i will be here over Christmas! so please pray for me in that area and that everything will run smoothly. Keep praying for a couple of those boys in our room!
**ChRiStMaS bReAk**
John and I were asked to give our testimonies at a school in Esztergom. We will share a song with them in english to the younger classes and hopfully show our new Word of Life Pro-mo video to the high shcoolers if we get a chance. We are also planing on making an apperience at my friend Evi's high school in Budapest. She asked if we would come to her faith class and share our testimonies and promo video.
Pray that we will be able to do that. Also that God would give me oppertunities to witness to many people while i am staying here in Budapest, or traveling. Please pray for the 19th of this month. Evi and I thought of a great idea to have a "sleep over party" with several of her friends and girls from school. We will be playing fun games and other stuff to show them how much fun it can be without DrInKiNg. since it is a HUGE event here. We would like to share the gospel with all the girls later at night,and my testimony with them! Please pray that their hearts would be open to hear and that the night would just go well!

ClAsSeS tHiS wEeK ** wHaT iV bEeN lEaRnInG!!
So this past weekend I had the chance to read through alot of scripture! I read through both 1 and 2 Samual and some of Isaiah. I am just amazed with how much more I really desire to understand what I am reading. We have two weeks now of the book of Genesis. and two weeks of creationism!! Which is very awesome!! It's so crazy, did you know even the "greatest" evolutionist believe in a "higher power" even though they can't admit in God. These are very good verses. That go along with what i'm learning!
Romans 1:20-23

I've had a revolation with the Lord. After having a hard and struggeling time trusting and relaying on the LORD, I realized how POWERFUL the Holy Spirit. I realized his presence and that there is no reason to fear about anything. God is always with us. We are never alone!!
Ephesians 4:30 - Do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, with whom you were sealed for the day of redemption.
Hebrews 13:5 - "Never will I leave you; never will i forsake you!"

WOW what awesome verses! i challenge you to realize you are in the presence of the MOST Holy God right now. and come to HIm with any of your problems, He will Comfort you!

Peace&Love in Christ alone
Amanda Joy

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Thanks you Jesus...

Dear Lord,
I am so thankful for your love. You are our mighty God. You created the most beautiful things in the heavens, the universe and the stars (Isaiah 40:35-36). All of creation is yours, and yet you still find favor in our sinful souls. I fall down on my knees, with my hands lifted high, knowing what He did for my life. I realize we are nothing; we were made from simple dust. And Lord, I'm thankful for your promise. That you cared for us so much you showed us by being among us. You gave us the MOST important gift of all! By sending Jesus to come to earth to be our ultimate sacrifice. He is the only one that can intervene for us at the Day of Judgment. Thank you that He paid for that price so we don't have to. I'm so thankful that you are so loving and caring. I see your hand guiding me through my life. My family is such a blessing for me! You've given me amazing parents that encourage me as I'm living for the Lord, and brothers that could be the BEST brothers a sister could have. I thank you Lord, for the people that pushed me to do better, and helped me along as I was at my weakest times. For the relationships that have helped me grow more spiritually. I am so thankful for the friendships that have brought me so much joy and happiness! I am also so thankful for a guy who really loves that Lord and wants to serve him.
I am thankful for this bible school that has taught me so much about you Lord and has opened my eyes to see your goodness and greatness. I'm thankful that you listen in the times that are hard and you answer my prayers. I'm thankful that I have had so many opportunities to serve you, and I pray for more!
There is so much to be thankful for my Jesus! You are so wonderful.
This week I have had my eyes opened! I've read through the whole bible last year, but no matter how many times you read it… you will always find new revelation from it. Well we’ve been studying the book of Isaiah, with probably one of the best teachers we could have for this book. His name is Meno, he is from Israel and was originally a Jew. Until he met famous Jimmy Deyoung…but that’s another story...
This week God has opened my eyes to show me that He has FULLY showed himself to be Christ in the Old Testament, and his covenant is so clear. There are so many verses that I would love to share with you, but here are couple that have really encouraged me this week.
Isaiah 9:6 – For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
12:4 – Give Thanks to the Lord, call on his name; make known among the nations what has done, and proclaim that his name is exalted.
42:10 – So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.
53:4-6 and 10 <3
59:16 – HE saw that there was no one, he was appalled that there was no one to intervene; so his own arm worked salvation for him, and his own righteousness sustained him.
So this class has been encouraging me to dig deeper in the bible and it’s so exciting!
My ministry every week at Danube International church as a Sunday school teacher has been going very well! It’s been really great thinking of creative ideas to teach the lesson and have a good time with the kids. I feel like we are getting to know them more and what their needs are! Keep praying for Chaz and I as we serve that Lord in this way. Also I will be teaching the children with John over Christmas break since I will not be coming home this year. So please keep me in your prayers and thoughts over Christmas because I will be missing you all dearly. However I pray that the Lord will give me many oppertunites to serve him here in Budapest and I stay with friends that have unsaved families.
**If you want to look more into my school or have questions please get in contact with my parents at gilbertrhu@msn.com or my school at Eletszava.org

I pray that you GIVE THANKS today for everything you have!! <3
Peace&Love inChrist alone
Amanda Joy

Friday, November 14, 2008

Personally... the Lord is teaching me how to Trust in Him. He has put me through a couple of trials with health problems and emotional struggles, but it all is to His glory! I believe God brings us through many storms in our life which we have to over come. Some are big and some are small... but in the end it can either make us have a stronger relationship with the Lord or make it worst... what are you going to choose? I pray that we will have the strength to persevere and pursue to live for Christ in this body! We can only get this strength from the Lord who is our ULTIMATEcomforter and peace!

One of my favorite classes is "Biblical Communications", which we had two weeks of this class! This class teaches us how to take a passage in scripture. For example Mark 2:1-12, and break it down. Like what is the main idea, (subject/complement)than learn how to make it an expository message of our own! and how to make a sermon! Putting in an illustration is what I love! I love making up illustrations for life in general! I have plenty! However when you can put an illustration that is understandable and relates to the scripture. It's so cool! and that illustration will most likely stay with you forever. I made mine making brownies, but i also have other illustrations dealing with life experiences where i related them to.... running, leaves, a cup, chocolate, cupcakes, a pot, shoe laces, and plenty more! but anyway i also got to share my testimony in front of class! I had to do it with a sort of outline. with the gospel in it, and within 5 min! =) he said i did good!

We also had a class on "We life of David." over 1 & 2 Samuel! It was a good class! allot to memorize though! I learned allot, and I learned so much in the heart. How God's people disobeyed and wanted to be like other nations and wanted a king. God let them have a king, but warned them that he wasn't going to be good. They only chose him for his good looks, not for his heart. Than we have David that is still not perfect but he has a heart for God! Well this was the same week as the elections in the states... and well all i can quote of him is this. "Good thing God is God, and we are not!" - God has everything in his control! Just stay faithful to him!

Right now we just took a class over Zechariah two couples from Michigan came!! there names were Phil and Lisa Bubar! They were so nice! and it was cool chatting with them about Home! =)It's so awesome how the book of Zechariah talks about the Messiah and to prepare for when he is coming! It also talked about when his SECOND coming is!! =D I love I've learned since last year and see it more now that the old testament is all about the heart... all God wants is TRULY out HEART! not to just "go to church, because that will please God" but go because you want to know HIM more!

We started a class on Roman Catholicism! wow it is so interesting right now! and actually very confusing! There is so much traditional beliefs to understand, and what their doctrine is all about. I never knew that all catholic churches have the same doctrine! It seems like they are all so different in ways. at least looking at the ones here! The look allot different for sure.

My MINISTRY!!! (Noah's Ark)
This week went sooo well!! it was all about obedience and the children were so cute! we talked about how God told Noah to build an Ark. And even though Noah couldn't understand why, and new that it would be tough work... he still did it because he wanted to OBEY God! =D the kids listened very well! we made a huge boat! (ark) out of two tables and a couple of sheets! had all the kids act like animals and find their partner to enter the ark!! We also made balloon animals and had another chance to give the gospel to the kids through a (balloon testimony)
SO Praise the Lord that the kids are listening and obeying! There are a couple of kids you can pray for though! we have a couple of kids with special needs. We also have several that can't speak English very well, so once in a while it's hard to get them to corporate with the rest of the kids!
Please pray also...
That the Lord will just give me the strength as I go through several trials... and that I am not alone. Thank you so much for your prayers and support as I'm here serving the Lord!
With Love&Peace in Christ alone
Amanda joy

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Live for the Lord!

Hello!! Family, friends, and loved ones!!
The last week, We had one of my favorite guest speakers come in!! His name is Tim Good, and he is a missionary in Poland! He is a really fun smart guy and has a huge heart for serving the Lord! Plus the subject he taught on is an area where I have a desire to serve!! We learned about Bible Clubs, about youth groups, and how to make it most efficient. There are so many youth groups today that lose focus on the “MAIN IDEA” which is the message, fellowship, and discipleship. God has put in my heart a strong passion to work with the youth and I would love to disciple others! He gave us great ideas on how to lead a bible club! One thing I really loved was (MEMORIZING VERSES) ** How many people today really memorize verse?? Seriously, there are some amazingly fun ways to do it! And with games… doing competitions and bible quizzes! I really wished I had someone pushing me to study like that. He made it sound so much fun and exciting! Also how important it is to Love others!
Also last week we studied to book of Galatians! WOW let me tell you. This book is all about faith! Having faith in Christ alone, and letting the Holy Spirit guide you! It’s about Paul and him expressing his testimony to the Jews. There are several verses that I loved in this book!
• Those who believe are Abrahams Children. God knew that we would be justified by faith, and through Abraham All nations would be blessed! So those who have faith are blessed along with Abraham, the man of faith…. (3:6-9)
• So the law was put in charge to lead us to Christ that we might be justified by faith (3:24)
• You are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus. (3:26)
• The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love. (5:6)
This weekend we had Fall Break! I spent my time in Budapest. I went to the underground Christian Coffee house that YWAM runs, along with the Christian church (Danube) that I do Sunday school for! This, by the waaaay… went very well Sunday!! Praise the LORD! We did a fun skit, and had many helpers. The kids responded toward the message and listened. It excites me so much working with children! 
Please pray for my ministry! There are a couple of kids, which have some special needs and are sometimes hard to work with. Pray that God will give us the wisdom, and knowledge to work with them, and how to handle situations!
This week we are learning about (Church Planting) and for the next two weeks (Biblical Communications) which I will be presenting my testimony on Tuesday! So please pray for me!!
Other prayer Requests
1.) My tuition… may I always realize that I am in God’s will, and He will provide for me needs.
2.) That I keep up on the homework and stay focused. It is sometimes overwhelming the amount of work we have.
3.) To keep my fellowships with others an important!
GOD BLESS!! Peace&Love in Christ alone
Let us draw near to God with a sincere heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty conscience and having our bodies washed with pure water. Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. (Heb. 10:22-24)

Monday, October 20, 2008

Praise the Lord!
He is so great!! And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, and have been called according to his purpose!Romans 8:28
So this past week, I had another opportunity to witness to many teens at a Hungarian high school, by teaching English! Many of them were interested in hearing what I had to say, and I invited allot of them to the Christian Coffee house! I hope they all come! Last week of school was a little difficult, i was fighting a minor cold and had ALLOT of studying in my classes! Was still finishing Biblical Theology, and now a week of Bible Clubs! That was a fun class! The Lord was working in my heart allot last week, and made me realize how easy to be selfish and to lose focus of God. We are just humans... It reminds me of the Israelites in the desert. God does so many miracles and blessings for them and they rejoice! but soon they forget and turn away. It's so sad, but that's just the way we were made. God wants us to put Him in the FRONT focus of our mind every day, every moment, and each second of our day! We should think of all the great things God has done in our life, and Praise him! I also realized how Important Prayer is! I am so thankful that we have prayer! It is one of the most Intimate, personal relationships we can have with our creator our savior!
I was a little homesick this weekend, but I'm so thankful for the friendship (family) God placed here! They encourage me allot! and help keep my focus fully on the Lord! I also called my family on Saturday which was AWESOME!
A Praise and A Prayer ReQuEsT!!!
* I am struggling with paying for my tuition, and I've been praying that God would open hearts, and doors. *
* Sunday at the church I am a Sunday school teacher for (my ministry) I came down to talk to several friends and meet people in the church. Well a man came up to from the church and had a chance to talk with him for a while. He asked me if there were any needs that I had, or anyone from my school. And I told him the struggle for tuition, and several of the other students. * he said he'd let others at the church know too! =)
* I also have a friend in Budapest that is a film maker and asked for me my help in some short film clips. So pray that God will use me in this, and maybe for something greater!*

always... Peace&Love in Christ alone
Amanda joy

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Beautiful Creator! <3

The leaves are brilliant and changing colors, I smell the fragrance of the air and the coolness crisp breeze to my cheek as I lift my arms up to the heavens, enjoying God's indescribable sunrise set across the horizon. My heart sinks and I feel my self overwhelmed with the power of God's magnificence. Drawling His wonderful creation around me I realize how AWESOME our God is. I imagine what great Love our Father in Heaven has! How amazing is the things He has done. Take a step back from the business and trafic of life and look to the eyes of the our Lord!

This week has been good. The weather has been great. I'v been so busy with studying and I have 6 hours of my service ministry, plus devotions and trying to work on my hungarian. I also decided to work on my leadership skills and join our social commity. So I'm trying to plan some things for our students to do together.
One of our directors lead our presidential chapel on tuesday and he listed our Missions statement here at school. He broke it down and talked about the meaning of our school and the importance of it. and here it is...

The evangelism and discipleship of the youth of Hungary and Central Europe through means consistent with the Bible, for the building up and stregthening of the Church of Jesus Christ - with excellence, with enthusiasm, with integrity, with a servant's heart.

My studies here are for the Goal of knowing God and putting it into practice. I am willing to serve Christ with my whole life.
Philipians 1:20-21
"I eagerly expect and hope that i will in no way be ashamed, but will have sufficient courage so that now as always Christ will be exalted in my body, wheter by life or by death. For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain."

Philipians 3:10
"I want to know Christ and the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of sharing in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death, and so, somehow, to attain to the resurrection from the dead."

Write now in my class I am writing an outline for 1 Timothy for my biblical theology class, and reading in my Charismatic Chaos book for class. It's difficult, but I'm definetly learning a LOT!
TOmorrow i am bringing a group into Budapest and showing them around. How to get around. Sunay I have Sunday School! we are teaching the kids about God's Creation!
Monday please pray for me, I am going to Eva's high school agian and I have a chance to teach English. Pray that I have good fellowship with the teens and God will give me oppertunities to share his word!

Keep me in your prayers! I thank God everytime I remember you

Peace&Love in Christ alone
amanda joy gilbert

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Dare you to DREAM <3

This week we started classes out on Monday, since we had a "Youth Conference" this weekend that started Friday.
This week my classes were over "The Charismatic Movement" and "Biblical Theology"
They are both very wonderful classes! I am writing a paper now in Biblical Theology describing the difference between Systematic,biblical,and historical theology in the bible. Blah I don't like those kind of papers, but it's worth it! I really enjoy the Charismatic Movement class! wow it is so good too! This movement is and has been spreading greatly throughout our nation and the whole world. Many people don't even realize how it is creeping into their lives. I am learning how biblical it is not scriptural. and intently walking through the bible and it's context to understand what "speaking in tongues" and other "miracles" are all about. We are learning what miracles and speaking in tongues meant in the old test. Which was for people that didn't believe and was for judgment. It warns us also many times it tells us to stay away from false prophets that also did miracles but were not from God. The New test. Christ did miracles, but also for good, so people could see that He IS the son of God. Matthew 9:4-6
- Jesus says. “Which is easier: to say, ‘your sins are forgiven,’ or, ‘Get up and walk?’ But so that you may know that the Son of Man has authority one earth to forgive sins…”
Today we DON'T have prophets any more, since Christ has already came. I believe the Lord does many signs and Providences, but in ways He can work through people. There is NO need for speaking in "tongues" anymore. there are people that can translate and the bible even says if you can't translate yourself what you are saying than you really shouldn't even do it. In Corinthians the reason why Paul wrote them, was to tell them of the WRONG things they were doing. Even at the end of Paul's life no one could speak in tongues anymore. But anyway I have allot more information in my notes. ALL IN ALL.. if you speak in tongues or not. DON'T let Ur focus, and faith be on what you see, or do... BUT on CHRIST alone. It is only by Him that you are saved, and have salvation. don't be caught up in what you see and here today. The bible teaches us about the "end times" when many will see great wonders and miracles but NOT from God. And many will fall away. STAND STRONG! =D
crazy stuff! I got allot more, I'd gladly rattle off. but for your sake i wont =P
We have many conferences through out the year! This year we had youth from Poland, Check Republic, Slovakia, Serbia, and Germany!
We had a VERY important and well known name be our speaker at this conference! Paul Bubar!! He was the one that Started the FIRST Word of Life in New york! and now there are THOUSANDS all around the world today! how awesome is that! He taught about having a DREAM. God has put a desire and dream inside of all of us. What is one this you would want to do for the Lord? Don't think that it is impossible. The Lord wants the Absolute best from you. He told us to "Dare to Dream BIG"
We also had several meetings about how important it is to reach out to to youth and starting small groups. It was really fun getting to know the guest that were here. Also the speaker encouraged me ALOT to keep going with the dream and desire God put in my life. He will take care of me and my needs.
This weekend Sunday school will finally start up, and our first lesson will be "In the Beginning" I am working with the 4 to 5 year old kids with my friend Chaz. Who absolutely loves children too! Pray that God will give us the wisdom and words to share Christ with these children!
The weather here has been great! can really feel the fall weather and the crisp air! LOVE IT! <3

Prayers ~
* My tuition for the next couple months.. still need several hundred dollars.
* There were riots in Budapest last weekend over political issues. praise God we didn't get caught in them, and pray for the many that have been injured.
* Pray that God will give me wisdom in my classes, to search the word deeper, and keep those desires in my heart.
* Pray that as we are in Budapest God will use us to speak to others, and also that I may have more opportunities to share Christ in Evi's High school by teaching English in several classes.
* Also time is very limited. pray that I will have time to get things done and still have time to get refreshed.

- And we know that in allot hings. God works for the good of those who LOVE Him
(Romans 8:28)

Thanks for your prayer and support!
Peace&love in Christ alone

Amanda Joy Gilbert
** If you'd like to support me financially, please get ahold of my parents that have bank envelopes to keep the money safe. There number is (616)785-8241. Or e-mail them at Gilbertrhu@msn.com **

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Street Evangelism!!

My first week of classes have been over "Street Evangelism." It was a ten hour class and our main goal was to get out of the class and DO IT! After learning the importance and skills of open air. We headed on busses to Budapest, THursday evening. We split up in groups since there was aboiut 60 of us. My group went near a park and was by a huge square. Each of us had at least one Hungarian speaker with us to translate if needed. I went out with Timi and we decided to break off the group that was doing the "scetch board" and talk with people in the park. There were mostly high school students and people around our age! It was really awesome. We talked to many teenagers. There were two girls inparticular that I had a chance to talk to. Who were very interested,and as I was sharing my testimony several other girls and friends just came, sat down and listened. soon there was a group of them! i got mostly all of their e-mails. I also had a chance to talk with two Muslim girls, many "catholics" that trully only been baptiszed, which from that they believe they are saved. I talked with an atheist, and a several more. We had about ten minutes left and I looked at my friend Gabor, who is hungarian, and i was like.."hey lets go save a life!" look theres a guy sitting on the bench! we were both really cold, but we both encouraged eachother to go. So we sat down next to.. his name was "Loci" and shared the gospel with him. He had some good questions but we were just being real with him. After awhile he accepted, and made the descision to make Christ first in his life, and know that He is the only way to heaven! It was so awesome! he was really excited! Well the bus ended up leaving us because they didn't want to wait. but a van of people picked us up later.
Friday, we went out again, I realized how Hungary really needs missionaries, I began to see how lost people were, almost every person I had talked to. This country trully needs your prayer... with their hardness of hearts, immortality, and abortions. Many teens are so caught up in the world.
Saturday I was out with two girls from school and we saw people doing pantamimes. It was actually some people I knew from the church I Sunday school at! It was sweet, because I already had tracks in my bag..so we went out and talked with people about what they saw! Also we had a chance to just sit down and sing praise songs with them right on the street!
Sunday was my first day of sunday school! I loved seeing all my kids from last year! They were so sweet, gave me a huge hug right when they saw me! This year, I believe we will be more involved with the church! They really appriciate what we do and how much time we put into the kids! They need help with leading childrens praise team on sundays, so I think I will get involved in that also!
As you can see, this bible school I am at, is not simply just learning the bible, It is MOSTLY about missions and ultimatly putting what we learn into our life mission. I am a missionary here. Thank you all for your prayer and if you feel God calling you to support me, please do!
You can get ahold of my parents, and they have special envelopes to fill out.
Jim & Beth Gilbert
6838 woodland bluff ne, comstock park, mi, 49321.... or number (616)785-8241
Or if you'd like to send me letter you can write me here
WOL Élet Szava
Kókai u.2.
The website again for my school is, Eletszava.org and there is a link about more http://www.eletszava.org/admissions/en/

Thank you again so much for your prayer! Keep praying for Revival in Hungary!
Peace&Love in Christ alone
Amanda Joy

Sunday, September 14, 2008

I'm in Hungary!

YESS!! I am officailly in Hungary! I arrived last Sunday around noon. My plane ride went really well! I ended up talking with a guy on the plane that use to be in a cult! that was interesting. He is now a christian! Which is awesome! but we definetly had a good conversation and i learned alot about how dangeruous cults are.
I had two of my good friends from Budapest come and pick me up from the airport!
They were both so kind and welcoming. I had the priveldge to stay with them until Thursday. The two who picked me up were. Mate and Eva. They are brother and sister. Mate is older, but Eva is in her last year of High school! Mate was very sweet and let Evi and I take over his flat for a couple of days. So Evi and I became very close! She is not like typical Hungarians. She was very outgoing and fun! I felt like God could really use me in her life while I was their. and also her's in mine. While I was their i had a chance to relax and get on the right time schedual since it is about 6 hours ahead from Michigan. On Wednesday I had a chance to go to Eva's church "Calvary!" It was a really cool church. It use to be an old movie theather, with a cafe in it. Then on Thursday Evi really wanted me to go to her Hungarian High school as her "foreign exchange student." haha so I did! Before we left we prayed that God would give us an oppertunity to share and show Christ in our life. She goes to a Christian school but most of her friends are not christians. Well I sat on several of her classes and a couple of the english teachers found out that i was there. They invited me to be a guest in their english classes. So i agreed. THinking that i would only talk a little bit and when I was asked. Once I got into the class the teacher pretty much just gave me the whole class hour. She wanted me to talk! haha I was like WOW what a great oppertunity for me to share about my life with Christ! I did that and I even got to know the kids. They asked me questions and I even shared about a couple mission trips I went on. Like when I went to Jamaica. I would meet people on the streets that knew who jesus was and went to church, but when i asked about salvation and going to heaven. They would tell me that they weren't sure or didn't think they would go to heaven. "they weren't ready to give up their life for Christ." I saw it the same where ever we go in life. So many people say they go to church and know who Christ is, but when it comes to the personal relation with Christ, they don't want to live for him. So that was a really cool experience for me to be a testimony.
I got to Word of Life Bible school on Thursday night! It was so good to see all of my friends from last year and meet all the new students. This year I am in the barrack "Coasta Rica." Thats just what we call our dorm! I have 7 girls in my room this year! They are all amazing! I am so thankful that God put me in this room! we havec (Raquel) from Brazil.. pray for her she doesn't speak much english and is having a hard time! she is a first year student.. (Rachel) From america. it is her first year.. (Eve) first year student from Hungary.. (Damias) first year from Poland! (leighann) a really good friend from last year! she is from New Jersey! and fianlly my RA this year (Damaris)from Germany! She is also a very good friend from lsat year!!
Please pray for all the girls in my room! that we will become very close this year and have a good bond and friendship! I pray that we help each other to keep our focus on Christ and to serve others in our ministry!

Thank you so much for all your prayer and support!! i am so glad that I made it back to Hungary for my second year! We started classes today! woowhoO! This week is over Street Evanglizing!! It is really good so far! We will be going out on the streets of Budapest Thursday and Friday to talk with people! Please pray for our hearts and the people we will come in contact with! That they will be open to hear the word!

Peace and Love in Christ alone!
Amanda Joy Gilbert

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Hello everyone! Thank you so much for visiting my blog! I will be able to keep you updated on this site almost every week as I journey through my next year at bible school! I would love to share everything that I am learning and experiencing with you!

If this is new for you! I'd love to share with you real quick my story of how I spent my last year at Word of Life bible school in Toalmás, Hungary!
The end of my senior year of high school I was struggling with what I wanted to do with my life, where I wanted to go, and truly search deep in my heart. I found that all that could satisfy me in this life was our Lord, Jesus Christ! I had many thoughts going through my head along with Christian schools I was looking at. That’s why I decided to get some advice from our friend and missionary at church, Jeff Street. I told him about my passion for the Lord, and how I desired to get a foundation and understanding of my faith. The first words that came out of his mouth were Word of Life, Hungary. I was surprised just how easy it was for my heart to be drawn there. This past year I spent 9 months studying the word of God and ministering there! It was one of the most changing years of my life! The Lord opened my eyes to see so much! He showed me who He is, and that I need to live this Life for Him. I learned allot personally also!
The bible school has about 60 students. This past year we had 20 Americans and the rest were from all over the world. You had to speak either English or Hungarian, while everything was being translated! I spent the year in a barrack with six girls. Two other American’s, a German, Brazilian, and Columbian. Each morning we would get up and do our own personal devotion. Than we would have about 4 classes with chapel in between. The types of classes I took this year were strictly the bible, and anything to do with missions, or relating to other religions. I went through the New and Old test. Making chapter titles for each chapter in the bible! We also had guest speakers that would come and teach a topic or a book of the bible. They would come from all over the world and stay for a week or two! Later in the day we students would have several ministries to choose from. I had two required. One was to go to Budapest every Sunday to be a Sunday school teacher at an English speaking church with about 10 other students. We would have to prepare the class throughout the week and pray for the children. God has shown so much through that mission. I plan on doing the same thing for this coming year. My other favorite ministry was "Street Evangelism" We would be taken each week into Budapest or around to other villages and talk to people on the streets! I love to hear people’s stories and to see others come to faith!
I am praying and hoping that YOU can be involved with me this year! Through the Joy, struggles, excitement and pain that may come along! I ask most importantly for your support in prayer and I am also seeking financial support. When I am serving and attending bible school, we are not allowed to get a job. Since we are Americans and it's just not possible. Also loans are not possible. However, Word of Life in Hungary is actually very affordable! My tuition this year will be roughly around $6,000 dollars. So I would be paying $670 a month! You can just write a check to “Amanda Gilbert’s tuition account” and mail it to United bank in Rockford. We have preprinted envelopes available if you would like to use those.
I will be updating this site almost every week to keep you updated, and I will be putting many pictures up on my facebook. Feel free to write me or if you'd like to talk with me before I leave. I would love to tell you more about Word of Life and my goals!
Thank you!
Peace&Love in Christ alone.
Amanda Joy Gilbert

Monday, April 7, 2008

Euro Trip! 3/23 - 4/4

Hello everyone!! It's so nice to be able to write you about all my experiences!! Well if you havn't read the last couple of entrys.... I'll sum it all up for you! =P

For my two week Spring break. I left (first) with my friends; Trip, his friend Marcus from New York, and Jason. We took a train to Levice, Brataslavia. Where we met up with our friend Andrea. She goes to school with us also, this was her home town. We arrived there Saturday evening. She met us at the train station and her pastor (Mitca)came to pick us up. We dropped our stuff off at Andrea's old room mates home. Which was on the top floor of a "flat" (appartment) building. We had to ride up this crazy most scary elevator i'v ever been in! i called it the "death box" lol. ok so right when the door opened to the elevator it was like a box! so tiny! and it didn't have a door that shut between the walls. Well like six of us got in. We wernt sure if it would even hold. Ahh! that was scary! after that we went to Mitca's house to have dinner! In slovokia we learned that they say AHOY- for Hi! almost like a sailor haha. Mitca's house was very nice. It's very beautiful how they decorate their homes here. Alot of hang made things. Also the food was really good. They had so much!even had real Heinze Ketchup! =0. The wife spoke a little english, but more hungarian, so we got to test out our language skills on her! ;) After that we went to Andrea's church where we went to the "College" group they had. They were all so friendly! Alost of them spoke decent. english. two girls could translate. The speaker that night shared his testimony with us. He shared about "the will of God" and our own will. How no matter what we choose to do in life. If it is for God's glory than He will bless us in it! It was really encouraging to hear that. I felt like it was so awesome to know that God has the peices of the puzzle we just have to choose which one to pick. Than God will take that piece. and fit it perfectly into a beautiful picture! I got to share my testimony with a couple of people there! Later we had to walk back to andrea's flat, it took about 25 min. to get there. We had some good talks! haha we were messing around on the t-ter-toters outside. The guys actaully went back to the Church that night becuase they were staying the night there. than adnrea and i stayed up talkin with her room mate and her crazy cat pretty much kept us awake all night =P. the cat wouldn't stop making loud noises and scratching the door.

We got up earlier than we wanted, but thats ok. The shower experience was interesting.. lets just say.. they do things differently here. haha, but it's all apart of the "going with the flow adventure!." =P. we were a little late for church. so after walking around we found a seat in the front row. talk about NOT making a scene haha. we got head phones for translation. the service was good. Jayson, Marcus and I went to a families house after church. They were so nice. We walked to their house after church. "we do alot of walking here." Matthew who was the taller older son. was amazing at the guitar! his brother jacob was totally different, was more of a sports guy. When we got there. we tryed to talk, but they didn't know english too well either. haha. we looked at photo's and well Jacobs girlfriend came and she was good with english. so we talked alot! she actually reminds me and looks alot like my friend Alisha from my job at Dunhill. We were invited to play volleyball with people from the church after lunch. later we went to a coffee house and hung out with Andrea and her friends. They had a sweet climbing wall outside. and even played movies on the wall outside. They had some really good hot chocolate there also. almost was like pudding it was so thick. Andrea's friends were alot of fun! we took alot of pictures. We ended up being late for dinner. Andrea's youth pastor Mitca invited us over agian. we walked there and as we went. Andrea was saying goodbye to her friends. and Trip put me on the Street sign! haha it was halarious getting the looks from people. i was trying to keep my balance all the way up there. u know me =P. people prolly thought we were crazy! We finally made it for dinner, their little one Lucas sat on my lap, at one point he was drinking his water and chocked. and spit water all over me! and there other child Samual gave me a lil chocolate bunny :) hehe. than we watched some weird Chezh cartoon. more of Andrea's friends came. and we said goodbye to mitco's family. than we fit all of us in Mitco's car. haha it was like a mexican car. for ppl in the front and five in the back! =p HEHE and they drive like crazy here! played around at the church. than walked back to the flat.
We woke up to her stupid cat moaning and scratching at our door =P The guys came in and started throwing water all over us! water got everywhere! we even nocked over a plant! Ok ok.. so it's a tradition in Slovokia, the day after easter each year. the guys in the village will soke the girls with water all day long. and than later spray stinky perfum all over them! and why??!! haha whatever. it was funny! Well we took a train from there to Brataslavia to a Andrea's spiritual familys house! They have 7 kids! It was crazy! right when i walked in, i felt like a celebraty! these kids were soo cute! they were all talking to me at once and wanting to show me all their cool toys, what they made, or what can do! haha. the oldest i think is 12.. than it goes down from there. so What do u think about that!? it was so awesome how Brenda ran her family! each child was so caring and nice to one another! i never saw any of them fighting while i was there. You could even learn alot from these kids! well Andrea and I stayed in Brataslavia for another day or two, while the guys went to Vienna to pick up the car.We stayed with the missionary family, and saw the city.
We finally made it to Vienna and we headed up to germany to see out friends Beni and Whitney! They brought us to Nurnburg where Hitler's community was! It was so beautiful and I got alot of Artisy pictures to prove it! We stayed with them for two days! After that our next adventure... we headed to Prauge in Czeck Republic! walked around for a few hours than headed down windly scary roads getting lost on the way to drop jason off and the WOL camp there in Czeck Republic! Which was a crazy night in it self. haha. finally finding out where to send jason. We headed off that same night to Poland! we were meeting a friend in Poland and staying with her until the next morning. We headed off to auchwitcz ? sp/ that was an experience. its so much more real when u are there. very sad.
We headed off that same day to meet sabina's friends in Krokow, Poland! were we stayed for two days! that was awesome! went to church with them there. stayed in a samll little app. about 7 of us! on the floor. haha.
After that we headed to the tetres mountains to go hicking for two days where we stayed at a hostile!
after that we headed back to Vienna to give back to rental car... where well haha ended up back in czeck republic after going to wrong way for 3 hours. than finally made it to bratislava to stay the night at the same missionaries house. than to vieanna for a night to drop off the car. soo our plan was to take a bus back to Budapest. but ended up being a whirlwind of trials and God leading us in a obsticale course to find a way home. Which was amazing how in any struggles when we don't know why God is letting soemthing happen to us in our life. Just trust and relay on God in every moment and step. we had to prepare for anything that came our way. and on that way home we got to witness to so many people! it was an amazing trip! and was so cool to see how God works and the people he put in our path!
Never miss an expeirence like this is u have a chance in ur life time!
Peace&Love in Christ alone
<3 amanda joy

Saturday, March 29, 2008


I am currently in Poland right now at my friend Sabina's house! haha ohh man yesterday was a trip!! we left germany at 8 inthe moring.. went to Czech in prague for about 3 hours! and we all lost each other for a while... than we left and went to find WOL Czech where we were going to drop off Jayson... haha we made weird pbj sandwiches in the car.. i say weird.. because it wasn't really bread. and it was very interesting how we did it.. haha. broken forks and all \=P soo ya we went down several wrong roads..got lost a TON of times. those roads are very scary and the ppl go soo fast.. ohh talk about fast! we went on the Autoban like the whole time!! wow u know they don't have a spead limit on that high way!! we had an adventure once we found the WOL Czech also.. usee no one was there. it was so strange we were looking around the whole campus for about 2 hours.. we didn't know what to do. we prayed. and we asked near by neighbors.. which prolly scared them since it was already late. like 9 and finally looking around one last time. we found a hidden note!! haha.. which read.. : Jayson.. no one is here right now.. BUT you can come to our house witch is.. blah blah blah.. haha it was like we were playing capture the flag!! so we searched for the house.. I FOUND IT! hehe. they were soo generous. they let us inside. and we wererreally hungry.. we didn't have diner yet. they were missionarys and had 6 kids!! wow.. so i think missionarys must have alot of kids.. it's just the normal things that i am seeing so far. haha. they had the cutest rabit!! reminded me of my stuffed one back home haha.. we were almost tempted to just stay there that night. since it was so late. and it was so comfortable there. but we were Determind to PRESS on to POLAND!! well u see it was only going to ttake us about 2 and a half hours to get there.. but of course it took about 4 since we got lost another 5 times lol... but its ok~ Andrea and I are going to count how many times we get lost on this trip! haha. it's actaully alot of fun! we are maping down all the times we get lost. soo yes we finally made it to Sabinka's around 2 am.. we had some tea and talked for a while.. went to bed around 3... =D It's about 10 am right now. we are about to leave and pick up the boys. they are staying the night at the church! than we are having breakfast and going to .. =( were all the holocust stuff took place. i guess it is really huge. i'm not going to be able to sleep tonight~ ahh..
alright i GOTTA JET!!! I LOVE YOU!!!

Monday, March 24, 2008


Hello everyone!! I am finally on SPRING BREAK!! and it feels soo good! I decided to get up and leave.. go exploring the world. hehe. A couple of friends and i are on a EURO trip right now! we areplaning on hitting up about 5 or 6 different countries! and see how God can use us along the way! Right now i am in Slovokia with Andrea,Trip,Jayson and Marcus. the guys are staying at a church, and Andrea and i are at her roomates flat. We left saturday morning, and stayed here for Easter Sunday! wow the people here are so nice, we got to go to a college youth group on saturday night, and got to share our testimonys with people, it was so nice to fellowship and see God move through other countries. ohh and on the train ride here. we met a guy from the exact same town as Jayson Warran. talk about crazy! what are the chances huh? well anyway. andreas friend lives up on the top flooor of this 13 story building. and the elevators here are CREEPY!! ahh yes i felt like i was in a death box haha. Sunday morning we went to Andreas church and met alot of her friends. Marcus, Jayson and I where invited over to a familys house for lunch. They didnt speak english much, but on of the guys girlfriends came over and she spoke better. IT was so much fun. It made it even more interesting when we couldnt understand eachother. but mostly it wasnt that hard. haha. they had this sweet translating advice. that had certain phrases and words u could say. it was nice. than Matthew one of the boys was teaching me some stuff on the guitar. he is amazing at the guitar! After that they took us to a school to play volleyball with members from the church. we didnt stay too long and we headed to a near by coffee shop. it had a rock climbing wall and everything. Andrea met with more of her friends there. almost saying goodbye to them all one last time.. because u see.. her and Trip. karwl tweaten that is.. ahaha. well they have some future plans in mind. Im so proud of Trip because he talked with Andreas parents. and they arent christians. but he shared his faith with them. We walked to Andreas youth pastors house. and had dinner there. they are all so nice and their kids were so cute! Lucas was sitting on my lap most of the time, and samueal gave us little easter bunnys, and some slovok candy. hehe. we watched some funny Slovokian cartoons with them also. than her pastor brought us all back to the church. me and andrea§s friend plazed some beautiful music on the piano and than we went back to andreas flat. we walk alot here. too haha. not alot of ppl drive. well this morning we are heading out to Bratlaszlava to stay with Andreas spiritual family.. than we are going to Vienna.. to Germany to meet some friends, than to prauge.. poland and hopfullz hiking the Tetrus.. than to Vienna agian!! well keep me in ur prays!! i have got to jet!!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Have you tied ur Shoes??

March 2 2008
The past couple of days starting Thursday morning, was not very good. I felt sick. I Was told it is just a stomach virus. So lets just pray that it is ONLY that. The trip to the doctor is the village was a new experience. Lets just say they do some "different" stuff here. haha but over all it gave me a laugh. Well all i know is that God will keep me in good hands... as much as i wish to question.
I'm at a point right now in my life where I'm questionting myself where my next "steps" are. I guess it can be difficult to pull it all together and just Know that God's in control and he Knows my future plans. All i have to do is be willing to follow him through anything. To be positive to know that he has a PURPOSE for your life. I've been having struggles..surprise surprise.. with giving more things up to God an put it in his hands... The more i think I am good with with everything. The Lord shows me more problems with myself that i need to fix.. (Bible school students say.. this is the hardest part of your first year) God revealing your weaknesses so he can rebuild you and make you strong. The times that you feel you've been through a similar lesson, and you ask yourself..."why did i fall again? I know what I should be doing." -- For me I relate it with tying your shoe laces.. If you just tie them once.. they will easily come loose again and you'll trip. But if you double knot them. They'll be twice as strong and you'll keep from falling.
This reflects our life with our devotion to Christ. We can study the word, and grow in it. But if we don't store it in our hearts and treasure the knowledge. we can lose our focus on the truth. There are many other things that we find more important to look at around us, the many things that surrounds us.. including ourselves. Instead of realizing our laces are untied, we soon find our self fallen to the ground. -- So Lord wont you pick me up. take me to the top so i wont give up, ur glory ur splendour i will dwell in. Use the soul of these shoes to guide me, let these laces keep me strong.
This past week we have had JIMMY DEYOUNG as our guest speaker on the book of REVELATION. The honest truth I think this is my first time ever reading the book of Revelation. It is a very Scary but Exciting book at the same time! Makes me realize that Jesus is definetly coming SOON AND VERY SOON!! I'v also been studying very diligently for my Oral exam over the Entire OLD TEST. =0 .. haha. I have to recall all books and themes.. with the important event, dates, and people. Soooo i need ur prayers in that! haha. never had an oral exam like that before.
OHH yes and I preparing my way for SPRING BREAK!! If you met and remember my friend Georgy that came to the States over Christmas break. He is from Romania. Well a couple of us girls want to hang out with him for our two week spring break in Romania exploring!! Starting March 22 till April 7. Pray for safty, Fun, and oppertunities to share the gospel!!

February 26 2008
We had a guest speaker this week on CULTS! Did you know how many cults are in America today?? and where most religions started?? America?! creepy.. those NewYorkers are WEIRD =P lol. any way it was so good to fianlly understand where these religions come from like. Mormons. and the JW's. Why they believe such thing. and how many people fall into them. The reason most people join Cults, are because they are in an emotional situation, and they feel like the cult welcomes them in. Like its a "warm fuzzy" sort of thing. These are the people that prolly don't know or studied the bible before. Today most Cults are made of "feelings." "do what you please." "it's all about love." - It's really actually scary how lost people are.

I went to my friend LILI's house this weekend!! It was soo amazing! she lives right outside of Budapest in the Cutest Little village! the roads are made of stone and everything is like a block away. Ohhh man do i have some crazy stories from her house! She has the Sweetest family! her mom and grandma are believers. They all know a little bit of english so i could talk with them, and sorta understand and respond with their hungarian. Her sister is living there now and she was two kids. Jade..8 and Beni 1. Wow they were so cuute! Beni was in Love with me! he kept saying my name! the funny thing is, he has never said Lili's name before! haha

February 14 2008
VaLeNtInEs DaY!! Yess we do celebrate it here! I got some very speical cards from family and people back home! Thank you all so much for your LOve! <3 and Thank you daddy for the note in the box and the chocolates!! <3 it definetly made my day.. and the rest of the girls in my room haha!
This past week we had a Class on ISLAM. Our guest speaker that week was an actaully former Muslim who turned and converted to Christianity. He was an amazing story... This religion is growing more and more today in the world than any other religion!! It's a very scary thing. Many people don't even know whats going on in the religious world around them. There is this website that shows a short clip about Muslims today and how they are spreading across the world. It's called Obsession. I would really recommend you check it out if your curiosity is as big as mine. ;)... www.obsessionthemovie.com.
This class had an effect on me. To focus on the reality around me. Sure we can easily get comfortable in our bubble of safety, and christian fellowship around us. Most of us don't get persecuted every day.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Let the Children Come...

Sunday's are always fun!! but this day was by far one of my favorite!! My friend Dan, had two of his friends from Quebec, Cananda come and visit. So they ventured off with us and several others around 6am to take the train and go to breakfast! They are alot of fun! Once we got to Sunday school. i got serveral people to come on the roof with me. It was a beautiful site. We could see the hilly side of buda and the flat lands of pest. =D very beautiful. During sunday school we had the Agupe puppet team doing a program for all the kids. It was my first time seeing them, and they did amazing! The lady that runs it actaully was our teacher this past week. Her name is Linda Summers! She is one of the most Godly women i have ever met. She has such a passion for children and love for christ. she is very experienced in missions. Each year she goes to 3 or 4 different countries, and do puppet shows, go ont he streets and tell stories with chalk boards, and she is so exciting when she gets into her stories. This past week, she's been teaching us " Child Evangilism" We had to take a bible story from the bible and present it to her as if we were talking to kids. haha she liked mine, so Thursday she made me come infront of class and present it to the class. several other students did the same thing! The stories she told of so many children around the world. and there lives. the stories the children bring her. have been so heart breaking and has put such a passion in my heart to let the Lord use me in a ministry with children. To reach out to those kids around the world. I suppose the Lord has always put a desire like that in my heart. This week has made that dream more clear. To see children all around the world call on the name of the Lord.
" Let the Children Come "
Was the theme of this missions confrence. It was to support two minsitry's " Agupe Puppets" and CEF of Hungary. To pray and also to learn more about missions. I was leading this confrence with a couple other students. So i was in charge of decoration and was apart of a skit. The confrence was amazing! and the weather was perfect for it! Feels like spring here.This confrence made me realize how important it is to evangilize to children. Just like in Matt. 19:14 we should believe as children. There are so many children these days that have never even heard the name of Jesus Christ. My feelings can't express in words right now all that i'v learned and felt this weekend. I'm sure i'll be posting more soon. Or talk to my on Skype.com it's free. =D

We are raising support for those ministry's. If you'd like to participate let me know!
That I will be able to to pay for my tuition here.
For the children in Hungary that we can speak to them with what we learned.
For God to open doors for my ministry this summer, and for my school plans next year.
To use this year to my fullest and to take everything i'm learning and store it in my heart. so i may use it as a foundation.

All I am, all I have, all I ever hope to be..
... I now and forever dedicate to the LOrd Jesus Christ for His use and glory, absolutely, unconditionally, now and forever.
Romans 12:1-2;Prov 3:5-6;Phill. 2:12-15

Thank you or all your prayers.
<3 Amanda Joy

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

The past week...Ohh how I LOVE the Christian World! <3

SuNdAy. 1/13/08
I went woke up at 5am. To get ready for church.. i walked into the village with Dan to get on the bus.. to go to the train station. took the train to Budapest than got on a metro. Usally we would walk to anyother bus stop. but we decided to walk around and get coffee at the sweet Mc Cafe' a couple blocks away. the coffee's not
by far as good as starbucks. or dillenbecks ;). but it would have to do. So after chating for about an hour. we figured out that we had an hour and a half to kill before church started. It was a pretty nice day out. I was in a huge mood to go ExPlOrInG! so we went on an AdVenTuRe!! walked across the Danube River. on the chain bride. and headed along the river..I never been along that side. and there were several things that looked interesting to me. I went inside a catholic church. It was beautiful!! I went through a door that had cilrcled stairs going up. hehe so i thought i'd take a gander to see what was upstairs. Some hungarian guy tryed to talk with me.. and he showed me around. there were really old papers and documents. the balcony overlooked each detail and curves in the architect's work.. after that we walked, and walked. but saw many sweet things. i'll get my pictures up soon! but we also went places we prolly weren't suppose to haha. well finally made it to the church. I got to see my sunday school kids for a lil bit. They were soo cute! about 15 of them trying to tell me storys of their break and hugging me. than we stayed in the service! saw Salo, Stephen and Lili for the first time since comming back from the break!! The preacher was really good! and it was an amazing message. about how the church is not like a "country club" for christians. but a "hospital" for sinners.
> After church i went out to lunch with Dan, Randale and this British guy that taught Randales class. He will prolly be helping him out the next couple weeks since, our dear friend Aurther from Uganda is still trying to get his Visa. Pray for him.. But it was really awesome talking with David " the british" He was funny!
> saying our goodbyes to our new friend. we decided to go Iceskatting!! <3 hehe but we really didn't know where we were going. or where it was. so we hopped on a metro. it was the yellow line. Prolly one of the oldest. I never been on it before. but very sweet looking. We made it to our stop. and saw some sweet statues and buildings. and right were the iceskating rink was. infront of it, was a BEAUTIFUL Castle!! we walked around the castle for a while and got on the ice. We met a couple ppl from different bible colleges! They invited us to come for coffee and a bible study in Budapest Friday!
>On our way back we were being really crazy! haha making up random words and just laughing the whole time. i got a coffee at the mc cafe' and they gave me a straw/ spoon.. a Stroon! haha. any way..moving on..

Classes stared on Tuesday!! We are learning in Philippians right now. Our Guest teacher is Ed Hart! he's a real great guy and i'm learning so much in that class already! I'v even got a chance to talk with his wife who is a very Godly woman. and helps women in her church. and leads them to help others! They are doing this amazing thing in their church right now. You should check out their website. adirondackbible.org go to ministries, than click ministry center. =D

The book of Philippians is a great book. It talks about Joy and how we should be joyful in everything since we know we have christ in our lives. I love the verses.
"I eagerly expect and hope that i will in no way be ashamed, but will have sufficent courage so that now as always Christ will be exalted in my body whether by life or by death. For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain." Phil. 1:20-21

"Then make my JOY complete by being lifeminded having the same love being one in spirit and purpose." 2:2

"Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it agian: Rejoice! Let ur gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is Near! Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with Thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of god which transcends all understanding , will gaurd your hearts and your minds in christ Jesus." 4:4-7

"I want to know Christ and the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of sharing in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death." 3:10

Now this verse, always reminds me of my Dad. When i was little and i couldn't sleep because i was scared. I remember my dad comming in my room and always reciting this verse to me. =D
" Finally brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable if anything is excellent or ppraise worther think about such things." 4:8
^ My Dad is Awesome!

It's been a good week reflecting God's grace and his passionate love for us. how he works in Great ways, and in everything it is for His perfect plan. I am realizing more and more how Thankful I am, and greatful that I listened to the Lord's calling in comming to the bible college here. I'm praying that the Lord will open my eyes and my heart while i am here. and that He will lead me in the path that i need to go. I'm willing to let Him use me where ever I may be, but also pray that He'll give me the wisdom to make the right descisions. I'm not too sure what this next year is going to look like. But I believe right now that Lord wants me to trust in Him and to focus on becomming more like Him and making the bond of our relationship closer. He will open the doors and close them, and show me the best one to climb through.

FrIdAy!! <3 Why I Love the Christian World soo much!!
So I called the girl that we met at the iceskating rink and asked her about the deatils and where we should meet for the Biblestudy. I dragged along Andrea and her friend from Szlavkia, Dan, Tyler, Trip and Tez. We met the two girls, and they brought us up like 6 floors in a building, where i think she works for a chritians orginization. In the Bible study was about 20 other ppl. They all go to different churchs and met randomlly either in church or in bible schools. i love the christian world! it's just so cool how u can meet a random christian. and than be able to be best friends almost with out knowing the person that well and fellowship and praise God with them! It seems like only in the Christian Relm can we do this without fear. =D it was an awesome experience. we Sang many songs and we all talked together as a guy lead us. It went about 2 hours. we talked about making "New Years resolutions" and how come nobody ever "committs" to it. and how we are committed to christ. Even though we make mistakes, God will forgive us. We talked about David and how He praised God and is characteristics. How God forgave him. and even though David knew that he sinned. It was only by God's grace that he was forgiven. It's not by his power to DO anything to get his forgivness.
> We all prayed together, and i got to talk with many ppl and exchange facebooks, and we made plans to meet agian! I'll be getting a newsletter from them now that have updates and fun activity days we cna get together with them and hang out and fellowship!! =D it's exciting.
> Rachel and Lian wanted to bring us all to the coffee shop. so we had to cut or conversations and head out. On the way out some cute hungarian guy stopped me and wanted to say goodbye. He kissed me on the cheeks which caught me by surprise and made me blush a little. haha i'm not use to that. but it's totally normal in their calture there.. well finally meeting everyone in the street to walk to the coffee house. we were taking photos and acting crazy! It was a fun walk.
> We got to this building on a corner. and a guy was standing outside. He smiled at us and told us to follow the light rope. on the ground inside. It was an underground Christian Coffee Shop!!! It was really beautiful and made out of brick. Lian introduced us to more of there firends. Mostly from all around the world!! and a couple other americans were there! :) we met and talked with them..than we went to get some coffee. and there were some really good suti's there *cookies* hehe. and whats even more AmAzInG about this coffee house was that everything was FREE! the coffee.. the cookies.. tea.. all they asked for was donations! WHAT a MINISTRY!! This is by FAR my FAVORITIEST coffee shop ever! <3 the guy that runs the coffee shop actually goes to the Danube church where i am a Sunday school teacher! We all plan to meet up agian on Sunday and have lunch or any other sundays! it will be sweet.
> we had to rush our way out of there to cetch our bus. haha that was interesting. and i got to talk with Andrea's friend on the bus the ride home! She is a smart girl! I love how Europeans learn like 4 different languages. they do alot of schooling too.
> once i got back to my room. The girls found out that our heaters weren't working so we all slept together on the floor, on matresses! haha we stayed up talking about the Philippians class and funny stories. =D

> Satuday..
Well Today it's rainny. and i'm just going to be studying and reading all day. Later i'm going with Dan to pick up his Canadian friends that are comming to visit. =P


* Finacial issues, and paying for my tuition.
* ohh no more salad nights or hot food nights. =/ those were my favorite nights. the schools going a lil low budget right now.'
* the two student from Uganda, to get their Visa's and come back to school. Also Kenya and the problems there... There is another WOL college there. so just pray for those students safty and that they will keep Firm and Strong in their faith. That they will have many oppertunities to minister to others.
* I have alot of work to get done by March. and some hard studying. so pray that i'll be able to focus and use my time wisly.

Thank you for all your prayers! love to hear ur comments and how things are back home! <3

" Fogetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus." Philippians 3:13b-14