Monday, October 20, 2008

Praise the Lord!
He is so great!! And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, and have been called according to his purpose!Romans 8:28
So this past week, I had another opportunity to witness to many teens at a Hungarian high school, by teaching English! Many of them were interested in hearing what I had to say, and I invited allot of them to the Christian Coffee house! I hope they all come! Last week of school was a little difficult, i was fighting a minor cold and had ALLOT of studying in my classes! Was still finishing Biblical Theology, and now a week of Bible Clubs! That was a fun class! The Lord was working in my heart allot last week, and made me realize how easy to be selfish and to lose focus of God. We are just humans... It reminds me of the Israelites in the desert. God does so many miracles and blessings for them and they rejoice! but soon they forget and turn away. It's so sad, but that's just the way we were made. God wants us to put Him in the FRONT focus of our mind every day, every moment, and each second of our day! We should think of all the great things God has done in our life, and Praise him! I also realized how Important Prayer is! I am so thankful that we have prayer! It is one of the most Intimate, personal relationships we can have with our creator our savior!
I was a little homesick this weekend, but I'm so thankful for the friendship (family) God placed here! They encourage me allot! and help keep my focus fully on the Lord! I also called my family on Saturday which was AWESOME!
A Praise and A Prayer ReQuEsT!!!
* I am struggling with paying for my tuition, and I've been praying that God would open hearts, and doors. *
* Sunday at the church I am a Sunday school teacher for (my ministry) I came down to talk to several friends and meet people in the church. Well a man came up to from the church and had a chance to talk with him for a while. He asked me if there were any needs that I had, or anyone from my school. And I told him the struggle for tuition, and several of the other students. * he said he'd let others at the church know too! =)
* I also have a friend in Budapest that is a film maker and asked for me my help in some short film clips. So pray that God will use me in this, and maybe for something greater!*

always... Peace&Love in Christ alone
Amanda joy

1 comment:

SIX Thirys said...

Hi Amanda! It's so encouraging to read all that God is teaching you! I am thrilled to hear how you are learning to keep Him first in your life. I miss you, and you'll be in my prayers! I'll keep watching your blog :-)