Tuesday, December 30, 2008

A different Christmas <3

This Christmas is a very different Christmas of course. No running around with the family, going to see a movie at the theater on Christmas Eve. Laughing the whole ride home and being excited for all those snack and sparking wine. Playing Mexican Train till late at night and the next morning waking up to the smell Cinnamon rolls and jumping on the boys. =) nope. this Christmas was very much the opposite. It was still joyful however!
Eva her sister Reka and I arrived in their home town "Bonyhad" on Christmas Eve. We decorated the Christmas tree with those Hungarian favorite chocolate candies with the jelly in the middle... ya not my favorite but their OK! =P . Eva is allot of fun! She just turned 18 and is a senior in high school! She is a beautiful girl with a heart for the Lord! She decided that she wants to attend bible school next year even! Her dad even said he would pay for her first year! which is amazing since her dad is not a Christa in and it's very rare for parents to do that here. Praise the Lord! Well I wouldn't say that her family is Christain, her brother Mate is very strong in his faith and had brought up Eva since she was 12. They aren't sure if their brother Tomi, sister Reka, and Dad are saved, or even their grandma. So we wanted to make sure we were a good influence on them while we were there!
We had a HUGE lunch/Dinner with of course soup to start us off! with u now like the whole duck or pork in there with the bones. =) haha
Than! Eva, John, Mate and I prepared a skit for her family!! about baby Jesus in the bible! We dressed up! they loved it! we sang a couple of songs and than opened presents! It was all together a very good night!
They celebrate Christmas here as a three say holiday! So on Christmas day, they went out to see cousins and relatives! we played games and talked. It was actually very hard for me allot of the times, because i am not well in the Language and can mostly understand whats going on, but very hard to get in a conversation. So allot of the times i felt a little lonely when John wasn't there. But I did learn ALLOT of Hungarian!! =P
One night i spent almost two hours talking with her brother Tomi about why I was in Hungarian and about the Bible school! He said that He needed a change in his life, and he's thinking about going to bible school too!! It was cool talking with him and I pray that the Lord is working in his life! I also had a chance to talk with her cousin Patrica!! She told me that she believed in God and prayed to Him allot, but had allot of sin in her life. I asked her what the most important thing was in the bible... She didn't know so I explained to her the perfect gift of Christ. How He died on the Cross to forgive our sins and rising from the grave, and by believing in that He is the only way to heaven, we can be saved. We don't have to go to a Priest to have our sins forgiven, God wants a personal relationship with us. So we can just come to Him with our problems! I shared with her my testimony and How coming to bible school has really changed my life. Her mom walked in at one point of our conversation and she told her mom " Mom, please! I am learning about God! go away!" wow just about broke my heart! This girl really wanted to know the Lord more, and by the way her family life was. It looked like she didn't get it much! She said she wants to hang out with us in Budapest sometime! I told her i would get her a quiet time diary book! I felt like the Lord was using me there, maybe in ways I don't even know!

Each day we are fighting a battle. We are in a warfare of sin. How are we preparing ourselves in this life? Are we starving ourselves each day from our food and water? We will be weak and fall on the Battle field. Each day that we forget to feed ourselves, we are putting ourselves in dangerous situations and soon lose site and our strength! We need to be continually in the Word each day!
1 John 2:28 - "Continue in him, so that when he appears we may be confident and unashamed before him at his coming."
How are we living our lives? what are we feeding ourselves?
Galatians 6:8 - For the one who sows to his own flesh will from the flesh reap corruption, but the one who sows to the spirit will from the spirit reap eternal life."
What is growing? Your flesh or your desires for the Lord? We all know what satisfies us completely! That is only Christ!
I am Learning to be joyful with whats in front of me. What ever circumstances i am in. Even though Christmas wasn't the "same" this year. I have to look at it from a different angel and say "Wow what an amazing experience I had!"

Keep me in your prayers!! and If you would like to give me something for Christmas! Please send me tuition money for School!!! Thank you so much for all your prayers and your love this Christmas!!
God Bless!!
amanda joy

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Budapest!! <3

This week was beautiful! and very very busy!
There was a strike here is Budapest on the trains and some busses! even the airport!! It was a hard time to travel or get around. They were having a strick becuase its Christmas time and the workers wanted more money. The money in Hungary right now is so bad. It is worse that America. I came into Budapest Thursday from the school on Bus and it took me over 2 hours because everything was so packed with people. I stayed the night at Evi's house and than went to her High school with her Friday. I was told that I would only have twenty minutes in their Faith Class to talk about my school. Well Praise the Lord. I ended up taking the whole hour! The teacher never stopped me! I was able to share my testimony with all the students and my life now at Bible school!! They had questions for me and it went so well!! Allot of them would like to come and visit the school this year!! =D Praise the Lord!!
It's been allot of fun getting to know Evi's friends at school! I feel like I am a huge influence on them or I hope! =)

The Coffee house Friday night was packed! It was a special Christmas event where several of my friends were playing and singing Christmas carols! I ended having to help Mate and Evi work because there just wasn't enough people working! But i really love it and enjoy helping out!! It was so great to see how many people were bringing their unsaved friends! there were some deep conversations going on that night! it was exciting!

Saturday morning I went to an orphanage with ICSB "International Christian school" with the High school students, and youth group from Danube International church. They had prepared Christmas presents for each of the kids there! It was so cool to see the look on their faces!! They were all so happy to see us there! We sang several Christmas songs to them and presented the REAL most important gift of the gospel to them. Afterwards we had a couple hours to just talk and hang out with the kids. I had a chance to talk with four 15 to 18 year old. It was tough because they didn't know any English. So our conversations were short and not too deep. They were fun kids though. There are so many kids here in Budapest without parents or a family. Makes me realize how thankful I am for my Christian family i grew up in.

Saturday night was Evi's high school Christmas Party! Wow let me tell you this was way different than ones in the states would be. It was actually very sad. Evi and I went but only stayed for a little bit. Most of the kids 15-18 were drinking and doing drugs. we just came to hang out with her girlfriends which were very happy to see us! I was very heart broken to see what I saw. Made me see how so many people are caught up into what the World has to offer. IT is such a sad life to live. They are throwing their lives away... for what? nothing. it is not satisfying to them. They walk around with no hope. I just pray that Evi and I can be a light to them.

Philippians 2:13-16 had encouraged me allot
- For it is God who works in you to will and to act according to his good purpose. Do everything without complaining and arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure, Children of God without fault in a crooked and depraved generation, in which you shine like stars in the universe as you hold out the word of life - in order that I may boast on the day of Christ that i did not run or labor for nothing.

Isaiah 60:1-3
"Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon you. See, darkness covers the earth and thick darkness is over the peoples, but the Lord rises upon you and his glory appears over you. Nations will come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your dawn."

Sunday!! <3
Sunday School went amazing! We shared with the kids the story behind the candy cane! It's about how it relates to Christ dying on the cross for our sins! It's a very cool story, but i'll let you look it up! The bible story went well, we had hardly any kids this week however because most of the families went home to see families for Christmas. Afterwards John and I were invited over to one of my Sunday school kids house for Lunch! They were having a pancake party! and had invited several other families from the church! It was sooo cool! They were real American pancakes and they had allot of American food there! It was soo Delicious! We spent most of the day their and very much enjoyed the conversations and kids!! They gave us a little present before we left!! get this... Rootbeer!! and Mountain Dew!! and Doctor Pepper!! woowhoo cool stuff.. and way.. moving on..

I will be going to Bonhayd for Christmas with Evi and her family on Tuesday. Today... and we will be spending a week there!! It is a very small but cute village! I'm not too sure what will happen! but i will let you know!
Please keep praying for me and my time here!!

If you would like to do anything for me for Christmas all I ask is for your support for me to stay here at bible school. =) I am still low on cash to pay for my school tuition. If you feel it on your heart to give please send a letter to my parents or you can send it to my tuition fund!

köszönöm Isten Aldás

Amanda Joy Gilbert

Monday, December 15, 2008

What I'v been up to!!

Well so much to say!!
I just finished classes on Thursday! I had my final exam over Genesis Friday morning. It went very well by the way. Then... all the girls in my room and I had to clean. It took us about 4 hours but it had to be done. Leighann and I went to the Rézkigyó cafe house. I think she really liked it. It is such a great atmosphere where allot of the Christians that go there bring their unsaved friends. Allot of my friends there that I know. Are With ESI it think.. It's a christian organization for anyone to go places around the world to teach English to students. and it is your mission to lead students to Christ! it's really cool. so they always bring their students. Afterwards, several of us hung out. We were all bubbly and bouncy and a girl came up to me and asked me why i was so happy. I told her that I don't drink for one,and that I had Christ in my life. She was so interested to meet a young person like me that was different! I got her number and hopefully will be meeting her this coming Friday at the coffee shop!! Saturday.. I spontaneously was asked to go to Vienna with a group of people! haha. that was a trip! so much fun being with an awesome group of ChRiStIaNs! <3 Sunday.. had Sunday school with the children they were so adorable! next week we will have a Christmas party and talk about the BEST gift!! After church went to a coffee house with several friends and met a girl studying abroad from America! SHe will be meeting us at the coffee house on Friday also!!
Monday I went to Evi's high school once more and visited with many of her friends! I asked her "faith teacher" if i could take time in his class to talk about my school, and show our promo video and share my testimony with them! so he is giving me 20 minutes this Friday!! =) I am so excited! I Pray that I can be a huge influence on these students! pray that God will give me the words to speak! Also... Evi and I are planning a Pj party for several of her girl friends on Jan 3rd! lots of girls have heard of it.. haha so now there are like 15 that want to come.. and I'm not sure if Evi's flat will work. so pray that God will provide a place for us to hang out and the girls hearts will be opened to hear and understand what I will share with them!!
Saturday i will be going to an orphanage with the Danube Church youth group! =)
woowhoO! Than ChRiStMaS with Evi's family!! <3 can't wait!
Today was such an amazing day!! I had time to relax!! something i haven't done in a long time! praise the Lord! I went for a run today.. it is so nice out here still. no snow yet!! =) i love it. I'm just thanking the Lord for all that He is doing in my life right now! And Soo thankful for the relationships He's brought!!
MiSsIn AlL oF yOu At HoMe tHo!!! Sending LOVe <3
Amanda joy

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Excitment for the BREAK~!! =)

Hey everyone!!
Christmas is coming up so fast! I can't believe that it's already December! Actually it doesn't even feel like Decemeber here. We had a small cold front come through which gave us enough snow to make the boys put a HUGE snowman infront of our room which eventually crashed and fell into our entryway all over our things... but besides that. Yesterday i was wearing shortsleves! it was so nice! Also the castle is decorated for Christmas and our room looks great! =P
ALL those praying for my ministry at Danube international church THANK you soo much!
This week was simply amazing! The children listened so well and they were soo cute! They really understood the lesson and the bible story! We did the lesson over Lot and Abram, and how he let Lot chose first. We have a choice to Obey God or not. It should be so simple, yet it is so hard. The young 4 and 5 year old boys in the room decided to serve the ladies the snacks and be like little gentelmen. It was so cute even though it kinda turned into a little flood on its own. haha. NOah's ark was a couple weeks ago. I have such a joy working with kids!! also I will be ministering there over the break since i will be here over Christmas! so please pray for me in that area and that everything will run smoothly. Keep praying for a couple of those boys in our room!
**ChRiStMaS bReAk**
John and I were asked to give our testimonies at a school in Esztergom. We will share a song with them in english to the younger classes and hopfully show our new Word of Life Pro-mo video to the high shcoolers if we get a chance. We are also planing on making an apperience at my friend Evi's high school in Budapest. She asked if we would come to her faith class and share our testimonies and promo video.
Pray that we will be able to do that. Also that God would give me oppertunities to witness to many people while i am staying here in Budapest, or traveling. Please pray for the 19th of this month. Evi and I thought of a great idea to have a "sleep over party" with several of her friends and girls from school. We will be playing fun games and other stuff to show them how much fun it can be without DrInKiNg. since it is a HUGE event here. We would like to share the gospel with all the girls later at night,and my testimony with them! Please pray that their hearts would be open to hear and that the night would just go well!

ClAsSeS tHiS wEeK ** wHaT iV bEeN lEaRnInG!!
So this past weekend I had the chance to read through alot of scripture! I read through both 1 and 2 Samual and some of Isaiah. I am just amazed with how much more I really desire to understand what I am reading. We have two weeks now of the book of Genesis. and two weeks of creationism!! Which is very awesome!! It's so crazy, did you know even the "greatest" evolutionist believe in a "higher power" even though they can't admit in God. These are very good verses. That go along with what i'm learning!
Romans 1:20-23

I've had a revolation with the Lord. After having a hard and struggeling time trusting and relaying on the LORD, I realized how POWERFUL the Holy Spirit. I realized his presence and that there is no reason to fear about anything. God is always with us. We are never alone!!
Ephesians 4:30 - Do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, with whom you were sealed for the day of redemption.
Hebrews 13:5 - "Never will I leave you; never will i forsake you!"

WOW what awesome verses! i challenge you to realize you are in the presence of the MOST Holy God right now. and come to HIm with any of your problems, He will Comfort you!

Peace&Love in Christ alone
Amanda Joy