Thursday, October 2, 2008

Beautiful Creator! <3

The leaves are brilliant and changing colors, I smell the fragrance of the air and the coolness crisp breeze to my cheek as I lift my arms up to the heavens, enjoying God's indescribable sunrise set across the horizon. My heart sinks and I feel my self overwhelmed with the power of God's magnificence. Drawling His wonderful creation around me I realize how AWESOME our God is. I imagine what great Love our Father in Heaven has! How amazing is the things He has done. Take a step back from the business and trafic of life and look to the eyes of the our Lord!

This week has been good. The weather has been great. I'v been so busy with studying and I have 6 hours of my service ministry, plus devotions and trying to work on my hungarian. I also decided to work on my leadership skills and join our social commity. So I'm trying to plan some things for our students to do together.
One of our directors lead our presidential chapel on tuesday and he listed our Missions statement here at school. He broke it down and talked about the meaning of our school and the importance of it. and here it is...

The evangelism and discipleship of the youth of Hungary and Central Europe through means consistent with the Bible, for the building up and stregthening of the Church of Jesus Christ - with excellence, with enthusiasm, with integrity, with a servant's heart.

My studies here are for the Goal of knowing God and putting it into practice. I am willing to serve Christ with my whole life.
Philipians 1:20-21
"I eagerly expect and hope that i will in no way be ashamed, but will have sufficient courage so that now as always Christ will be exalted in my body, wheter by life or by death. For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain."

Philipians 3:10
"I want to know Christ and the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of sharing in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death, and so, somehow, to attain to the resurrection from the dead."

Write now in my class I am writing an outline for 1 Timothy for my biblical theology class, and reading in my Charismatic Chaos book for class. It's difficult, but I'm definetly learning a LOT!
TOmorrow i am bringing a group into Budapest and showing them around. How to get around. Sunay I have Sunday School! we are teaching the kids about God's Creation!
Monday please pray for me, I am going to Eva's high school agian and I have a chance to teach English. Pray that I have good fellowship with the teens and God will give me oppertunities to share his word!

Keep me in your prayers! I thank God everytime I remember you

Peace&Love in Christ alone
amanda joy gilbert

1 comment:

Jane said...

i agree- its so beautiful around here... with the leave falling softly and crackling when you step on them, its impossible not to think about God!!! lylas manda!
love from