Wednesday, January 16, 2008

The past week...Ohh how I LOVE the Christian World! <3

SuNdAy. 1/13/08
I went woke up at 5am. To get ready for church.. i walked into the village with Dan to get on the bus.. to go to the train station. took the train to Budapest than got on a metro. Usally we would walk to anyother bus stop. but we decided to walk around and get coffee at the sweet Mc Cafe' a couple blocks away. the coffee's not
by far as good as starbucks. or dillenbecks ;). but it would have to do. So after chating for about an hour. we figured out that we had an hour and a half to kill before church started. It was a pretty nice day out. I was in a huge mood to go ExPlOrInG! so we went on an AdVenTuRe!! walked across the Danube River. on the chain bride. and headed along the river..I never been along that side. and there were several things that looked interesting to me. I went inside a catholic church. It was beautiful!! I went through a door that had cilrcled stairs going up. hehe so i thought i'd take a gander to see what was upstairs. Some hungarian guy tryed to talk with me.. and he showed me around. there were really old papers and documents. the balcony overlooked each detail and curves in the architect's work.. after that we walked, and walked. but saw many sweet things. i'll get my pictures up soon! but we also went places we prolly weren't suppose to haha. well finally made it to the church. I got to see my sunday school kids for a lil bit. They were soo cute! about 15 of them trying to tell me storys of their break and hugging me. than we stayed in the service! saw Salo, Stephen and Lili for the first time since comming back from the break!! The preacher was really good! and it was an amazing message. about how the church is not like a "country club" for christians. but a "hospital" for sinners.
> After church i went out to lunch with Dan, Randale and this British guy that taught Randales class. He will prolly be helping him out the next couple weeks since, our dear friend Aurther from Uganda is still trying to get his Visa. Pray for him.. But it was really awesome talking with David " the british" He was funny!
> saying our goodbyes to our new friend. we decided to go Iceskatting!! <3 hehe but we really didn't know where we were going. or where it was. so we hopped on a metro. it was the yellow line. Prolly one of the oldest. I never been on it before. but very sweet looking. We made it to our stop. and saw some sweet statues and buildings. and right were the iceskating rink was. infront of it, was a BEAUTIFUL Castle!! we walked around the castle for a while and got on the ice. We met a couple ppl from different bible colleges! They invited us to come for coffee and a bible study in Budapest Friday!
>On our way back we were being really crazy! haha making up random words and just laughing the whole time. i got a coffee at the mc cafe' and they gave me a straw/ spoon.. a Stroon! haha. any way..moving on..

Classes stared on Tuesday!! We are learning in Philippians right now. Our Guest teacher is Ed Hart! he's a real great guy and i'm learning so much in that class already! I'v even got a chance to talk with his wife who is a very Godly woman. and helps women in her church. and leads them to help others! They are doing this amazing thing in their church right now. You should check out their website. go to ministries, than click ministry center. =D

The book of Philippians is a great book. It talks about Joy and how we should be joyful in everything since we know we have christ in our lives. I love the verses.
"I eagerly expect and hope that i will in no way be ashamed, but will have sufficent courage so that now as always Christ will be exalted in my body whether by life or by death. For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain." Phil. 1:20-21

"Then make my JOY complete by being lifeminded having the same love being one in spirit and purpose." 2:2

"Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it agian: Rejoice! Let ur gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is Near! Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with Thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of god which transcends all understanding , will gaurd your hearts and your minds in christ Jesus." 4:4-7

"I want to know Christ and the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of sharing in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death." 3:10

Now this verse, always reminds me of my Dad. When i was little and i couldn't sleep because i was scared. I remember my dad comming in my room and always reciting this verse to me. =D
" Finally brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable if anything is excellent or ppraise worther think about such things." 4:8
^ My Dad is Awesome!

It's been a good week reflecting God's grace and his passionate love for us. how he works in Great ways, and in everything it is for His perfect plan. I am realizing more and more how Thankful I am, and greatful that I listened to the Lord's calling in comming to the bible college here. I'm praying that the Lord will open my eyes and my heart while i am here. and that He will lead me in the path that i need to go. I'm willing to let Him use me where ever I may be, but also pray that He'll give me the wisdom to make the right descisions. I'm not too sure what this next year is going to look like. But I believe right now that Lord wants me to trust in Him and to focus on becomming more like Him and making the bond of our relationship closer. He will open the doors and close them, and show me the best one to climb through.

FrIdAy!! <3 Why I Love the Christian World soo much!!
So I called the girl that we met at the iceskating rink and asked her about the deatils and where we should meet for the Biblestudy. I dragged along Andrea and her friend from Szlavkia, Dan, Tyler, Trip and Tez. We met the two girls, and they brought us up like 6 floors in a building, where i think she works for a chritians orginization. In the Bible study was about 20 other ppl. They all go to different churchs and met randomlly either in church or in bible schools. i love the christian world! it's just so cool how u can meet a random christian. and than be able to be best friends almost with out knowing the person that well and fellowship and praise God with them! It seems like only in the Christian Relm can we do this without fear. =D it was an awesome experience. we Sang many songs and we all talked together as a guy lead us. It went about 2 hours. we talked about making "New Years resolutions" and how come nobody ever "committs" to it. and how we are committed to christ. Even though we make mistakes, God will forgive us. We talked about David and how He praised God and is characteristics. How God forgave him. and even though David knew that he sinned. It was only by God's grace that he was forgiven. It's not by his power to DO anything to get his forgivness.
> We all prayed together, and i got to talk with many ppl and exchange facebooks, and we made plans to meet agian! I'll be getting a newsletter from them now that have updates and fun activity days we cna get together with them and hang out and fellowship!! =D it's exciting.
> Rachel and Lian wanted to bring us all to the coffee shop. so we had to cut or conversations and head out. On the way out some cute hungarian guy stopped me and wanted to say goodbye. He kissed me on the cheeks which caught me by surprise and made me blush a little. haha i'm not use to that. but it's totally normal in their calture there.. well finally meeting everyone in the street to walk to the coffee house. we were taking photos and acting crazy! It was a fun walk.
> We got to this building on a corner. and a guy was standing outside. He smiled at us and told us to follow the light rope. on the ground inside. It was an underground Christian Coffee Shop!!! It was really beautiful and made out of brick. Lian introduced us to more of there firends. Mostly from all around the world!! and a couple other americans were there! :) we met and talked with them..than we went to get some coffee. and there were some really good suti's there *cookies* hehe. and whats even more AmAzInG about this coffee house was that everything was FREE! the coffee.. the cookies.. tea.. all they asked for was donations! WHAT a MINISTRY!! This is by FAR my FAVORITIEST coffee shop ever! <3 the guy that runs the coffee shop actually goes to the Danube church where i am a Sunday school teacher! We all plan to meet up agian on Sunday and have lunch or any other sundays! it will be sweet.
> we had to rush our way out of there to cetch our bus. haha that was interesting. and i got to talk with Andrea's friend on the bus the ride home! She is a smart girl! I love how Europeans learn like 4 different languages. they do alot of schooling too.
> once i got back to my room. The girls found out that our heaters weren't working so we all slept together on the floor, on matresses! haha we stayed up talking about the Philippians class and funny stories. =D

> Satuday..
Well Today it's rainny. and i'm just going to be studying and reading all day. Later i'm going with Dan to pick up his Canadian friends that are comming to visit. =P


* Finacial issues, and paying for my tuition.
* ohh no more salad nights or hot food nights. =/ those were my favorite nights. the schools going a lil low budget right now.'
* the two student from Uganda, to get their Visa's and come back to school. Also Kenya and the problems there... There is another WOL college there. so just pray for those students safty and that they will keep Firm and Strong in their faith. That they will have many oppertunities to minister to others.
* I have alot of work to get done by March. and some hard studying. so pray that i'll be able to focus and use my time wisly.

Thank you for all your prayers! love to hear ur comments and how things are back home! <3

" Fogetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus." Philippians 3:13b-14


Amanda said...

Love you sista!! you are in my prayers :)

erica_yeomans said...

hey gilb! its sounds like you are continuing to have a lot of fun in hungary! i cant wait til i see you again!! hopefully we hang out this summer on the beach everyday just like last summer! lol. well i love you!!! <3 Erica