Saturday, March 14, 2009

Faithfullness! <3

"A quiet morning with our loving God puts the events of the upcoming day into proper perspective" - Janette Oke

"For great is His love towards us, and the faithfulness of the Lord endures forever."
- Psalm 117:2

WOW sorry it has been a while since my last post! I have been going crazy finishing work and classes! I just ending my 2nd quarter this week! OHH Praise the Lord!! It was hard work, but I had some amazing classes! For TWO weeks we had Dr. Jimmy Deyoung! He taught on Prophecy in the bible! Daniel and Ezekiel! Wow that was such an exciting class! As Dr. Deyoung was explaining the events that will happen before the return of the Lord, he explained how even TODAY these events are being played out! EVERY prophecy has taken place, now all we are waiting for is the rapture! which could happen Any day! It's exciting to hear Jimmy Deyoung! I'll put a little SPOTLIGHT of what he was saying is happening today. (Dr. Deyoung has lived in Jerusalem and started a church there, he is a reporter and has met with ALOT of important people in his life, and even today!)
Well as you see the Crisis all around the world! The money Crisis! The ONE world currency. Many more interesting ideas as well... However i encourage you to take a look at his website!
Biblical Preaching class I had to preach a ten minute sermon to all the girls! I really enjoyed this class alot! We had to take two verses. One from Old and one from the New Test. We had to do three outlines and lots of work on the passage before we could preach it! I ended up preaching on Deuteronomy 6:1-9. It is one of my favorite passages!! How we should love the Lord with all of our heart, with all of our soul and with all of our strength! and to impress this on your children! <3
I absolutely loved preaching to all the ladies! It's so much fun! I wish I could just present this with each and everyone of you now, but you'll have to find me when I get home!! I still have one more 15 minute sermon to preach later this year!
This past week we had a class on the cook of 1 Corinthians with Dr. Tom Constable! This man has written several commentaries of the bible!! He was a very nice man and so was his wife! She talked with all the girls for a devotional one night! She was very inspiring!
We have also been taking a class on DEMONS!! It is very interesting! I thought I was going to be so scared in this class, but it's not at all! Just makes you think alot!

PeRsOnAlLy ~ I learned alot this past month! When Mrs. Constable was talking with us, she reminded me how awesome the Lord is, and how I've trusted in Him!
When I came here the first year to bible school. I really had no idea what the Lord had prepared for me! I had no idea how much this school would change my life! I remember how much faith it took me to just leave and come over here by myself to a foreign land! But God proved to be faithful and has done AMAZING things!! I wouldn't have made the relationships here and the relationship I have now grown with the Lord if it wasn't for my step of faith in the beginning! Seeing how the Lord has blessed me so much the past TWO years, I am now NOT afraid to move forward! I know that after i leave here and go home, the Lord will continue to work in my life and do amazing things! To have to same faith, and know that the Lord will help me through!! Trust me there have been many times here where the Lord has brought me through trials that have been hard. However, my Lord has always brought me through them!!

Sunday school
Sunday school has been going really great!! I absolutely LOVE these kids! They are so adorable! they call me "Miss Amanda" and I feel like i know each and everyone of them personally! Today as we were doing kids worship one of my kids Zach came ran up to me yelling my name! He gave me a huge hug and told me that he loved me!! It was soooo cute! There is one child in my room that I would ask you to pray for! His name is Eli. He is a very precious kid and very smart. He is in the hospital right now and has been for a couple of weeks, he had an infection that has become serious and has made him very ill. It could be effecting his brain and heart. He just had surgery this week, and he is not doing so well! ='(
So please please pray for him! this is a picture of him in the cute lamb hat!

On March 13th, our school was broken into, and alot of things were stolen. Mostly just sound and musical instruments! However we use all of these things for different ministries! So please pray that the Lord will provide for these needs and may replace what was lost!
Today is Hungary's Independence Day! As we were coming back from Budapest, we say lots of cops and swat teams all over the place! There were riots and lots of things taking place. We made sure to come back early and not be caught up in anything, so we were safe. However later tonight is when alot of danger happens, so please pray for peace in Hungary and safety!!
Also pray for me and my health! I have had this silly cold for a month now and it seems not to want to leave me!! BLAH rainy season! Also pray that the LAST three months that I have here, the Lord will really be working in me!!

If you are encouraged and would like to help support me and the ministry that I'm doing here, please e-mail me at and I can get you more information!!

In Christ Alone
Amanda Joy